Of course, for the health nuts out there,
one can always eat tomatoes.....RAW! Freaks!
(green tomatoes)
at you're thinking when you look at these pictures (me, too!): borscht! There is just nothing better than hot borscht on a cold winter day after the market, accompanied by some of that brown bread with black spots in it (okay, so I mean poppyseed bread, homemade, of course.) I have not the slightest idea how this stuff is made--I just like going over to a friend's house and eating some. But again the question--what fruit of the vine? Chardonnay, no! Ah, I have it: the only choice--borscht needs a bottle of Cote-Rotie to bring out that beety flavor. Plus, Boone's Farm ain't wine!
Of course, feel free y'all to stop by the market and shop on a cold winter's day. Nor would it be inappropriate to bring frozen artists et. al. a piping hot bowl of food and, as the Irish say, "a wee dram... " We won't mind, and we wont tell.
I feel healthy just looking at this photo, don't you?
You know you are old when....in the background is Daniel Barker, of Dunham Farms; I have known Daniel since he was thirteen, but now he is in charge of his Dad's produce stand at the market. He ai
n't thirteen anymore, and I ain't twenty-five anymore (I am at twenty-five...plus.) But Jesse Dunham of Shanghai, West Virginia, has been a produce merchant at Eastern Market for thirty years. His produce stand has the best West Virginia peaches! And in the fall, his selection of apples is second to none. And we all know where to look for Christmas trees, the day after Thanksgiving.
Peaches=peach cobbler with butter pecan ice or, if you're dieting ,vanilla ice cream (see? dieting isn't so bad!) One can also eat them sauteed in butter, with a touch of brown sugar, nutmeg and/or cinnamon, then let cool and (the finishing touch) add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I have also heard tell of folks who....(close the children's ears)...eat fruit "commando"...raw with the skin on!!!!
(Dunham Farms)
So, how do you eat your fruit?
One can hear her singing out "cooked all night for your eating delight" every weekend at Eastern Market. Ma Brown is a baker. She has been at the market since, well, not since 1873, but let us say longer than thirty years. If you have not eaten her pound cakes, pecan pies or coconut cakes, you have not come to Eastern Market . She does not mince words; if asked she will tell you, "I don't spare the butter or sugar!" Ma Brown, under the "farmer's shed," is an Eastern Market institution.
(Ma Brown)
That was just a taste of good eats at Eastern Market (old school), but in the last three to five years we have a new school of "good eats on the outside". I just love his...
a hungry witness,
Sonda T. Allen
Turtle's Webb
(Gardeners Gourmet) I know whOver here, farmer Cinda Sebastian is owner of Gardeners Gourmet farm in Uniontown, Maryland. Manyfolks have commented on how tasty are her greens and cabbage. She has been at the market for seven years.